Tales From The Westside: “Hey You Know Who You Look Like?”

I’m not sure how common or uncommon this is for most people, but I’ve gotten my fair share of “Hey, you look just like [Insert Celebrity Name Here]” Over the years and since I’ve moved to California it’s only gotten worse, and the list of people who I supposedly resemble is starting to get longer. So I figured it was only right to run down the list of my celebrity lookalikes for this week’s entry so we can all compare together..


Kanye West

I’ve been a fan of Kanye West for a long time.. He’s unquestionably my favorite rapper and even though I don’t agree with his every move outside of the music (and sometimes in the music)

I can’t deny how much he’s influenced a lot of my artistic decisions.

I started getting the Kanye comparisons back in 2007, and since then the frequency of the “Hey you Look like Kanye West” conversations has only continued to increase. To some people I look like a “Younger Kanye”


To which I say, “Sure.. OK.” But it hasn’t stopped at comparisons. I’ve been asked to take pictures as “Kanye West” on more than one occasion. The most recent time was about a week and a half ago. I was at work, and this lady said “Oh My God you look just like Kanye West.”

Me: ” Is That Right?”

Customer: “Can I take a picture with you? My son is a huge fan. He didn’t want to come with me to the store so I’ll take a picture with you and I’ll tell him that I ran into Kanye West.”


[We Take the Picture]

Customer: “By the way, when’s you and Kim’s baby due? Hahaha”

Me: “Oh You”

Tyler Perry

If I’m not being called Kanye West, I’m being called Tyler Perry. These are the top two people who come up on the Celebrity Lookalike chart. Just like with the Kanye comparisons, I don’t really see it but I wouldn’t mind working with him on a biopic about his life or playing his son in a movie if the opportunity ever came around…

Anthony R Grant

Junior from My Wife And Kids aka George O. George II

When I was younger this comparison would come up a lot more often, but since “Junior” doesn’t even look like Junior any more, the comparisons have started to die out. Besides, they were mostly being made because he and I both have huge heads.

FDE Model Photo

Craig David

Customer: ” Hey has anyone ever told you that you look just like that singer?”

Me: “That “Singer” narrows it down so much. What songs has he done?”

Customer: “I don’t remember.”

Me: “Also very helpful.”

[Customer spends ten minutes going through her phone, looking for this singer]

Customer: “Craig David! You look like a young Craig David!”

Me: “Craig David? “Can You Fill Me In” Craig David?”

Customer: “Yup.”

Me: “Well That’s New”

Yeah so far she and one other person can “see the resemblance” between myself and “that singer.” Honorable mention goes to Eriq La Salle (You might remember him from “Coming To America”)

Someone told me I look like him at the age the movie was done, but in all honesty, he actually looks a lot like my dad when he was younger, so maybe that’s why??

I’m sure I’ll have some more stories to tell next week about this L.A. Journey of Mine.. Till Next Time.

As a bonus, here’s Craig David “Fill Me In” Video

4 thoughts on “Tales From The Westside: “Hey You Know Who You Look Like?”

  1. Nicole Brown says:

    I can see some of the resemblances but not all.

    1. Antonius DaGreat says:

      Yeah I can see small resemblances here and there also, it’s just the “You look JUST like” phrasing that I’m not understanding lol


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